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Complimentary Online Competency Assessments
Comdex has developed a series of on-line tests to accurately assess competencies in Excel, Bookkeeping, Accounting and Power BI with new tests added regularly.
Objective and standardised assessment evaluation of employment candidates
Quick method of identifying knowledge and skill gaps
Optional expert written test reviews critiquing strengths and weaknesses
Industry compliant best practice assessment models
Designed and managed by an expert panel of professionals
Full Range of Multi-Level Testing

Measure your skill level with our free online competency assessments

No software required*
No software required*
*Generic Bookkeeping & Accounting questions.
Does not include software related questions such as Xero or MYOB.
No software required
No software required
Power BI Advanced^
^Coming soon
Software optional

Multiple choice
25-30 Questions per test
Immediate score with feedback
No time limit (Avg 5 to 15 minutes)
100% Online 24/7

Why Multiple Choice (MCQ)?
Objective assessment. Assessor subjectivity and bias is eliminated
Immediate results when conducted online
Precise comparative measurement for multiple test takers
MCQs are the strongest predictors of overall performance, surpassing other forms of evaluations, such as in-class participation, written tests and simulated models
Comdex's large pool of graded and classified questions ensures assessment reliability and comprehensive evaluation of the candidate's extent of knowledge
A quarter of the time to complete tests compared to 'free response' type testing.
'Best Practice' Assessments
We have avoided the 'one size fits all' easy option. A choice of 22 tests covers all skill levels in general and specialised evaluation areas.
Questions have been thoroughly researched and reviewed, eliminating ambiguities and ensuring relevance and consistency
No 'True/False' type questions that are open to guessing and thereby distorting results
Answer option randomisation minimises pattern recognition
Stem, answers and distractors are grammatically consistent to avoid cueing the correct answer
*Zimmaro D. (2004). Writing Good Multiple-Choice Exams, Measurement and Evaluation Center: University of Texas, Austin
Bull, J. & McKenna, C. (2002). Computer Assisted Assessment Centre
Assessment Methodology
Nearly 3 years in the making, we offer
22 multi-level, general & specialised tests
Tests drawn from a pool of over 550 questions
Quantitave (raw score) & Qualitative (written review) evaluation options
Randomised question pooling eliminates cheating by learning by rote
Optional non-randomised assessments enable objective comparative testing for multi-candidate evaluations
We have assembled the best of the best to create Australia's most comprehensive and accurate online testing for MYOB Accounting & Payroll software.
Our team members comprise
Certified Practising Accountants (CPAs)
Accredited MYOB and Xero Partners Microsoft Training Providers
University & Business School Academics
Personnel Recruitment Professionals
Web & Software engineers
All of our panel members are at the forefront of their professions, continually updating our assessment resources, ensuring ongoing industry relevance.
Our Expert Panel
Pre-employment testing : Identify strengths & weaknesses